Thunderbrook Non-Organic Oat Bran 25kg

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Thunderbrook Oat Bran (non organic) 25kg Oat Bran (non organic) is human food grade and freshly milled for Thunderbrook. Oat bran is exceptional in that it contains high levels of beta glucans. Beta-glucan is a soluble dietary fibre present typically in oats. The beta-glucan content in whole grain oats (such as our Certified Organic Oats) varies from 2% to 8% dry weight. The beta-glucan content in our Oat Bran is usually between 6 to 10% of dry weight.
Weight: 25KG
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In humans, a lot of research has been carried out regarding the digestive properties of oat beta-glucans and it is known that consumption of beta-glucans from oats can contribute to the reduction of the blood glucose rise after a meal. Studies show that oats have a lower glycemic index than other cereals in horses too. Oat beta glucan is currently subject to a lot of research for its role in interacting with and boosting the immune system. If you feed oat bran on a regular basis, remember to balance the calcium:phosphorus ratio in the diet by adding a teaspoon of limestone flour per 100g of oat bran (or use our vitamin and mineral mix when feeding oat bran).

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